Monday, January 19, 2009


Welcome to the blog!

This is the blog for Comm3650/Info3650, Technology in Collaboration course taught during Spring 2009. This course focuses on understanding communication and behavior in groups, with a particular focus on the unique and sometimes difficult issues raised by the collaborative use of communication and computing technologies.

Here you will post your weekly short assignments (400 words max) throughout the term. These should be posted by the start of class each Tuesday. Approximately half of the assignments will be graded at random by the instructors each week.

You are also be expected to post substantive comments (~100 words) about two of your peers’ assignments before the start of class on Thursday. You should post comments only on posts that don’t already have two comments (i.e., each post should have a maximum of two). Comments on your own posts don’t count toward your total.

Good luck!

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