Monday, March 30, 2009

Assignment #7 - Angel M. Villegas

A community I am involved with plays paintball and I think it would be great to have a reputation system for this community. Actually it would be useful to incorporate many rating systems into this reputation scheme. Since there are many facets to playing paintball, I am sure that my thoughts for ranking may not be inclusive of all possible scales. I believe a reputation system will help players form teams with others who they have never played with. This way the team might not know the individual personally but will have a clue for what their skill set is, if they are trust worthy, and how that can be incorporated into the teams mechanics. Trust is important because some players have different motives for playing the game, some are really competitive, others play just for fun, and then some play to screw up the game and the "rules" in place.

For example accuracy should be a skill rated within the system. This can be measured in a number of ways. If playing in a team setting then special paintballs can be created that are shades of the teams color, thus distinguishing an individual’s performance by tallying up the number of paintballs on the opposing team and the number missing. Another example would be to set up a ranking for a player shooting their own teammates. This would be a big factor of whether the team could trust you or not.

When playing paintball a team can decide to allow the player to join the team or reject them according to their reputation. Not all ratings in the system would be relevant to this scenario but knowing if a person generally is a trader to the team can have some bearing on their willingness to trust the person to cover their back. Having a good or at least a reputation for playing the game fair is rewarded by being inducted into a team.

This system would require that all the users are a part of a system that is able to record them to the details needed to uniquely identify them. If the system in place could not uniquely identify a person then anyone could set up a bogus profile and get rated one way and truly be the type of player to turn on his teammates. Also if the team works together to single out someone they can cause the person to lower their reputation if they stand in front of them shooting or take his gun and cause the players reputation to lower due to their foolish conduct.


  1. I think that your reputation system is good for the most part. However, I think that your reputation system could be very disadvantageous to new players. It may even discourage them from playing. It kind of just highlights the classic 'last person picked' scenario. Especially since you can reject players. But I think that the reputation system would be great for pointing out the players who "screw up the game" on purpose. It would beneficial if there was some way to distinguish the new players from the jokesters.

  2. I agree with Ashley on this one. I think you are somewhat going in the right direction on your reputation system. However, the fact that some people may just not be chosen or chosen last seems a little harsh. Trust is important in this game because you have to be able to trust your teammates to have your back and know what they are doing. If a teammate is not being helpful and not doing their part then they are can not be considered trustworthy. I think accuracy, as you said, is a good way to see if you can trust someone's skill. Maybe there can be another way to "punish" the people who you deem are not trustworthy or a more accurate way to decide if whether or not they shot a team member was badly motivated or just a mistake.
