Sunday, February 15, 2009

Assignment #3-Vincent Davis

I am a member of the Slope Media Group here on campus, I am the director of on-site DJ’s and live broadcasts and I work very closely with the radio and recruiting branches of the organization. The main goal/focus of my small group is to increase Slope Media’s visibility on campus as well as recruit new members through appearing at various events across campus (ILR freshman orientation, Homecoming Tailgate, Battle of the Late Night Foods, etc…)

As a group we coordinate with whatever group is hosting the event and try to sync up as much as possible. As with most group interactions there are both internal and external representations present. Internally there is the knowledge of event planning, each person involved has information that they remember from running other events in the past; length of time it takes to set up/tear down equipment, power outlets located round whatever building the event is being held in, etc… There are also external representations that come in the form of forwarded e-mails from the hosting organization, calls, or text messages that contain information relating to how the event is going to run.

Though I am technically an officer I operate mostly as a ‘shadow member’ of the Slope Media Group. I say shadow because though I am technically the director of on-site DJ’s and broadcasts, I am the only on-site DJ so I am not required to attend any organizational meetings as I am basically only directing myself. Because of this my relationship to events is coupled relatively loosely when compared to the relationships of some of the other people in the group. The other members are responsible for communicating with the event organizers as to details and what our role in the event will be (are we expected to MC the event or simply provide background music, is it possible to broadcast the event live or podcast it, etc…), I really only need to know the date, time, location, and if there are any special music requests.

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