Monday, February 23, 2009

Assignment 5: Eric Dial- facebook for older people

If I were trying to explain Facebook to older people I would first try and relate it to something they know very well. Orlikowski states that in order for people to learn new technologies, we must first relate it to something they already use and understand. The first thing I would tell my age group is Facebook is like leaving people a message on their answering machine. They're not going to respond right away, but you can leave them a message and they'll get back to you when they read it.

The Facebook I would suggest for my age group would be very different from the Facebook I use. I would suggest to them that they only way they use Facebook is to post on other people's wall and searching for people. I feel like these two uses of Facebook are very easy and would be very beneficial for them. I would tell them to shy away from uploading photos, joining groups, and adding new applications because right now, these things aren't necessary. Once they become comfortable to posting on walls and searching for people, then we can move on to other things.

In order to train people on how to use Facebook, I would give them a CD that breaks down every aspect of Facebook and how it is used. There would be tutorials on how to create an event, uploading a picture, and adding applications because I feel like these things require people to actually do them in order to understand their purpose.

I believe if a person in this age group learned how to use Facebook as well as a college student, then there life would be a lot easier and enjoyable, and according to Grudin, if technology can do this people are happier. Being able to connect with people you haven't spoken to or seen in years is always great so the reward of learning this application is enormous.


  1. I thought that the existing technologies that you related Facebook to were really good. The technological frames they already understand will be put to good use.

    But I really disagree on discouraging people to upload photos, join groups, and add new applications. I feel as though those are some of the most important aspects of Facebook. I feel it adds to the FB experience. You can show off those new vacation photos, so you have grounding the next time you discuss your vacation with a friend. And joining groups gives people a sense of belonging. I think it's a bad idea to take that away.

  2. I think that the most if not all of the components of Facebook can each be framed in a way that resonates with 40-60 years olds. I disagree that you should hold users back from some of the basic features like photos, which can be easily related to opening up a shoebox of photographs with some friends. I agree with Ashley in that these features are some of the ones that cause users to come back to a site after their first visit. If users were told that Facebook was just a digital answering machine, it would be hard to have users be interested in using it and be able to fit it into their lifestyle. I agree with you that as you get older a social networking tool becomes more and more valuable because it allows you to keep in touch with people that you have met and old friends.
