Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Assignment 5: Old dogs, new clicks (cliques?) [Kyle Barron]

Co-workers you need to stalk? Children you need to keep an eye on? Old friends you want to reconnect with? Well, now there is an online solution to these problems: Facebook. Facebook is a social networking site. A social networking site is composed of many users, connected by bonds, in the case of Facebook, friendship. The entire network is analogous to a friend network in real life. You have friends, your friends have friends, etc.

The main feature(s) of Facebook is sending messages. What makes Facebook different than email are the way messages are transmitted. Messages can either be public or private. The public message is called a wall post. Everyone who is friends with the friend you send a wall post to can see that post. The private message is just called a message and shares many properties with email. No one can see the message besides the person you sent it to and yourself. It has a subject and a message body.

Becoming adjusted to using Facebook on a regular basis may sound challenging. You already check email, voicemail, and snail mail everyday. Why add another task to your daily routine? Facebook can not only be used for messaging, but also for other purposes. For example, applications such as groups, events, and marketplace allow you to view the necessary information for you to complete your day. Groups is the equivalent of a bulletin board. You can post your thoughts onto the group wall, and other group members can see what you have posted. Organize and promote your events using the events application. See what other people in your local area are selling.

An important aspect of Facebook is the network effect. Facebook is not very beneficial to use unless you know a significant number of people using it. Grudin would call this figure the critical mass. Similarly to email, fax machines, telephones, etc, it would be pointless to have a Facebook if no one else has a Facebook. With whom will you communicate? How can you make a group? Before deciding if you want to use Facebook, make sure it is a worthwhile investment.


  1. I liked your analysis of Facebook and your explanation of why it is like email yet also unlike it in the fact that there are so many more applications possible. You were also very frank about how it can be used as a stalker/somewhat sketchy tool at times because that also can be true. People can see your whole life on FB if your not careful.

  2. I like the 'advertising' sort of feel you had to this post, haha. The first paragraph reads just like an ad, and does well to describe the benefits that Facebook can offer an older audience. I also liked the fact that you described what a social network is to people who might not instantly recognized the term. I think that a main feature that older audiences might also be interested in other than just sending images is the photo - most older adults who use it that I know, at least, use it to see photos of people they know. Maybe you should stress that too?
