Thursday, February 19, 2009

Assignment 4

Since moving to CCC central campus. Facebook chat helps me to keep in touch with my old building friends from 120 Maple Ave. where most of CIT for all of Cornell is housed.
Seeing as we are mostly techs in some fashion we tend to abbreviate terms that most would want to list out. I would think that you would need a higher level of grounding in order to understand what the conversation is about.
Here is an example of such a conversation:

Karen: Dude so glad you are online you just don't know
Les: LOL ok what’s up lady? How u be?
Karen: just need to talk to someone for a min or two
Les: Yes?
What’s happening?
Karen: nah it's for an assignment on Grounding
Les: let me guess your testing out your new crackberry?
(slang for Blackberry)
The conversation needs existing common ground for the both texters to understand that this reefers to a Black Berry cell phone.
Karen: NO..
Les: LOL what are you trying to ground. I sur hope ur usin RJ-45 wire
Ethernet cable for data
Karen: No No Mr. Telephone man. I am home finishing a HW assignment before work. I tell you this work school thing is kicking me royal.
Les: I'll try to help
Karen: Grounding is an understanding between 2 or more people on any given topic.
What do you want our topic to be on?
you name it I am game.
Les: so it's something that two people have in common correct?
Karen: Yeah Yeah
What are you doing at work so early?
Les: I come in at 5:30 every day
leave at 2:30 and catch the bus my daughter rides
Les: so I don’t' have to hire another babysitter
Karen: Damn!!!!
Les: Photography?
Karen: kool. Get this, I just got my friend’s wide-angle lens.
Karen: I haven't used it yet.. He wants me to run some tests with it.
Les: so let me see you have a wide-angle lens and you haven't used it yet?
what you waiting for woman?!@!!
Karen : Nah Nah.. I have to check out some stops and the AF.
He is not sure if it's the camera or his lens
I know.... I just don't have the time.
Les: Just take 5 photo's of everything that catches your eye this morning.
-2, -1.5, 0, +1.5, +2
Here Les is referring to aperture
Karen: True that.
Dude, did you get the new PS4 yet???
Photo Shop 4
Les: you could come up with some really awesome contrast photos
I have cs3... the chances of getting CU to spring for CS4 are slim to none this year
Karen: Speaking of coni shots.. I have GOT to show you some BWs that are kickin'
I did them over the summer of this family.
Les: got the link or are they on print?
Karen: The lighting was great.. It wasn't to sunny.
just overcast enough
Karen: spent a day with them.
Hmmm I didn't find a website I liked just yet
Karen: what do you think of Snapfish?
Les: I don't trust any of the photo sites... they all want the rights to use your pictures to their advantage.
Karen: GET OUUUTTTTT!! Really
is that in the disclaimer?
Les: many do
Karen :SSShhhh**t
Les: disclaimer and or TOS contracts.
Terms of Service
Karen: I didn't know that.
see what happens when you don't read the disclaimers on these things. Who reads those drool-proofs anyway??
Documentation which has been obsessively "dumbed down," to the point where only a cretin could bear to read it
Karen: I am thinking I like Picasa… the one owned by Google?
Les: Picasa... Yes I heard of them
Les: do you have much luck getting hired for shoots?
Karen: why ... are you looking for a gimp with a 12 mega pix DSLR
Nah one or two 4 the season.
Les: have a couple photographers both who have wifi cameras taking pictures all through the wedding and reception, then on the side of the reception have a laptop receiving all the pic's and displaying them onto a projector
Karen: Great idea. Look dude I better Jet.
Les: dang my mozilla keeps crashing. Keeps givin me hex
Karen: call Tech support.
Les: no thanks I'll fix it myself. You know who they would send in this building. LOL
Karen: ha haha Hey those are my colleagues you are talking about.
Karen: Hey don’t forget to examine the entrails
The process of groveling through a core dump or hex image in the attempt to discover the bug that brought a program or system down
Les: you know that ur the alphageek. I am not worthy.
The most technically accomplished or skillful person in some implied context. Hey he said it I didn’t!
Karen: I know buddy.

We see here that Grounding, the development of a mutual understanding between conversational participants” is an extremely important factor in communication, common ground cannot be properly updated without this process.

1 comment:

  1. You make a good point when you say that technology-related conversations require more common ground than most everyday topics. Technical jargon has so many abbreviations and phrases that most people have no reason to be aware of. The discussion of cameras, photography, and the Mozilla crash in your post is one example of this.
