Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Assignment 3: Jeanette Pineiro

Last year I was on a committee that was planning a Program House Field Day. The goal of the committee was to create a day for everyone to have fun, while getting to learn about what being a part of a Program House entailed. In terms of representations, we used both external and internal during our committee meetings. Prior to meetings we would use internal representations to begin brainstorming ideas and to bring up things that we had come up with in previous meetings. During the meeting we would use external representations, such as taking down notes and writing up agendas, to get things done in an orderly fashion. These notes on our meetings were then sent to faculty members that needed to grant us funding or that we needed permission from to do certain things. The meetings would take place every week consistently to check on the progress that we were making. The information that we needed to discuss every week was related to the activities that would be planned, since it was a field day. We also had to discuss food, music, location, and flyers. The external representation we would use, such as outlines of the score board, an outline of the events and at what time they would occur, ideas for the layout of a flyer, and emails sent to people about the food, music, and location, would eventually be transformed into what the final day would look like. This was done with the help of the committee members who were each in charge of different things and would coordinate their efforts so everything ran smoothly. The committee meetings were very tightly coupled. This was because all the meetings were done face to face in a room we would reserve specifically for the discussion of our goal. We found that it was hard to communicate through email, or any other way that was not face to face, because people would not answer in a timely manner or would just not answer at all. Therefore, everyone would meet together at a designated time where we would share our ideas and progress.


  1. It seems that your meetings were very efficient face to face. However, it seems that some technologies could have aided in communication at times when you could not be face to face. For example, was their a calendar accessible online for members of the group to be aware of deadlines?

  2. Interesting post! I definitely can understand why your meetings were more efficient face to face. I feel in a lot of groups, people don't answer as e-mail as quickly. This is probably because there is no one physically looking at them, depending on their answer. I think this could also be because people tend to multitask while checking e-mail. But in a FtF environment, a person's full attention is much more likely to be on the group.
