Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Assignment 3: Michael Triche

Last year in the class Internet Strategies I had to work in a group where we had to come up with a business idea and do everything but actually follow through with the business development while in the class. We created the business strategy and business plan and presented it to the class. I was a part of this group for the whole semester. We used an idea that one of the members of the group came up with before the class for his business.
The cognitive system consisted of the four members in the group. The goal of the four of us was to come up with the best strategy and ideas to make the business work as if we were really starting the company while using and learning the concepts for each milestone of the project. Since the goal was to create a business plan and help the partner with the idea have a better feel for what needs to be done for the idea to work it was personal for that member. We all had shared and desired states where we wanted to all do good on the project but we wanted to learn. The member with the idea had the most invested part since he wanted to further the idea and strategy for the real world. In order to complete this we all worked on our own separate portions of certain parts and did it to the best of our ability to get a good grade as a whole and the best evaluation by the other group members. We also came together and collaborated to make sure each portion fit together like a puzzle and hit the key points the directions wanted.
Representation states as mentioned by Hutchins as being coordinated and having shared meanings for the group. Each milestone had to be collaborated face to face by the group in order to guarantee the best quality since we all relied on each other to complete the tasks. We had to coordinate to reach a common goal. We all had to know the information gone over for the course and material as tools to create our portions. The group was tightly coupled since everyone’s worked depended on each others in the end when the project was compiled. As part of the transformation process everyone’s responsibilities became everyone’s responsibility. This internal representation consisted of everyone being accountable of each other.


  1. Planning a business will definitely consume a group with all the tasks that need to be done. It is for that reason I wonder whether it is even possible to develop a business plan and to work it into reality with proximity as an added variable. Do you think the business would succeed if it was loosely coupled? How would it change the business' plan if it was loosely coupled? I personally don't think it would be possible to create a business from its infancy being loosely coupled.

  2. Being apart of this group did allow me to have some insight on everything that was going on. During the time that we were creating this project for class it was very tightly coupled, which meant a lot of face time to make decisions on presentation. The stage that the business is in right now is actually pretty loosely coupled. The person with the main idea has already graduated yet is still working with Michael Triche on it and still making huge progress. So it is possible for a business to start up while it is loosely coupled.
